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Abbott Freestyle & Freedom Lite Meter

This article assumes you have:

  • An Abbott Freestyle Meter. 
  • An account– If you don’t have an account, ask your healthcare provider to send you an invitation to
  • Installed the latest version of the Uploader – if you have not installed the Uploader, you can download the latest version at
  • A Windows PC— The Freestyle and Freedom Lite devices can only be uploaded on Windows computers.
  • A FreeStyle Data Cable— The cable can be purchased from Abbott on their website here.


Please note: The Abbott Freestyle and Freedom Lite are dependent upon specific serial cables to upload. These cables are only supported on Windows at this time. 


1.     Connect your device

  • Using the serial cable specific to your meter, connect your meter to your Windows PC.

2.     Select your device

  • Launch Uploader and log in to your account.
  • Confirm Abbott Freestyle Lite & Freedom Lite is one of your devices. You can change your devices by selecting “Choose devices” from the menu under your name.  Abbott FreeSTyle Lite 1


3.     Upload your data

  • Confirm Uploader is set to the right time zone.
  • Click “Upload” to upload your data. Leave the Uploader selected on your computer (in front of other windows) to upload more quickly.Abbott Free Style Lite Freedom Lite Upload


If you need further assistance, contact DreaMed support:

MKT-12153, Last updated on: May 27, 2024