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OneTouch Ultra 2 Meter

This article assumes you have:

  • An account – If you don’t have an account, ask your healthcare provider to send you an invitation to
  • Installed the latest version of the Uploader – if you have not installed the Uploader, you can download the latest version at
  • OneTouch Ultra 2 blood glucose meter.
  • A compatible FTDI cable to connect your meter to your computer – this can be the official cable that came with your meter or was acquired from the manufacturer or any generic FTDI cable


1.     Connect Your Device

  • Make sure that your meter is switched off
  • Using your FTDI cable, connect your meter to one of your computer’s USB ports.
  • Launch the Uploader and log in to your account
  • Confirm “OneTouch Ultra 2” is one of your Devices. You can change your devices by selecting “Choose Devices” from the menu under your name.OneTouch Ultra 2 1

2.     Upload Your Data

  • Confirm the Uploader is set to the right time zone.
  • Click “Upload” to upload your data.
    OneTouch Ultra 2 Upload
  • After the upload is complete, you can upload another device .
If you need further assistance, contact DreaMed support:

MKT-12153, Last updated on: May 27, 2024